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Thread: Kenmore Elite Gas Range Spark Module Replacement

  1. #1

    Kenmore Elite Gas Range Spark Module Replacement

    Model Number: 79031069100
    Brand: Sears Kenmore
    Age: 1-5 years

    I am pretty sure I have properly diagnosed and obtained the correct replacement part (#316262404) for no ignition/spark for the range top burners.
    The oven works fine. I pulled the unit out from the wall and removed the rear panel, as per instructions seen on an online video, but I can't find the Spark Module.
    I can't find a good diagram for this model either. The only diagram I've found shows the part in an inset box and does not show where it is located in the unit.
    Does anybody know where to locate a good diagram? Can anybody tell me specifically where the module is located on this particular model?

  2. #2
    Admin/Technician Doc Ryan's Avatar
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    South Dakota
    The manufacture does not have a better diagram for this stove showing the location of the spark module. They usually hide this part on either the back side of the stove or under the top of the stove. You can always trace the wires from the burners and that will lead you to it.
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  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Ryan View Post
    The manufacture does not have a better diagram for this stove showing the location of the spark module. They usually hide this part on either the back side of the stove or under the top of the stove. You can always trace the wires from the burners and that will lead you to it.
    Thanks for the input Doc. I have already removed the back panel, its not there. I traced the power supply from the bottom/rear to the main control panel at the top /front. I removed a lower portion of the front panel to expose the mess of wiring to the main control panel. I can't find it! I'm very leery about trying to remove the cook-top. I'm not sure if it is a sealed cooktop or not, but I don't think I want to mess with removing it, for fear if it is sealed, I may have more issues.
    Is there anybody out there with experience/knowledge of this particular model (Kenmore Elite 790-3106-9100)?
    Its just a mater of plugging the new part in and connecting a few wires if only I could find it and gain access. So frustrating!!
    I'm not throwing in the towel and calling a pro repairman yet, The stove lights and I have been using a camp lighter to light the stove burners.
    Heck, its been so hot here lately (So Cal) I'm using the BBQ all the time anyway.

  4. #4
    Admin/Technician Doc Ryan's Avatar
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    From what you described the next place to look would be under the cooktop. Make sure everything is disconnected before and don't force the top up because you don't want to bend or kink any of the gas tubes.
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