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Thread: Frigidaire 2 oven Range Top Oven Not Heating Well

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2021

    Frigidaire 2 oven Range Top Oven Not Heating Well

    Model Number: FGEF302TNFA
    Brand: Frigidaire
    Age: 6-10 years

    Upper oven seems to not be heating well.
    Control Panel and all elements on top work.
    Lower Oven Works Perfectly.
    When Turning On Upper Oven, the Top (Broil) element provides heat during preheat cycle, but the bottom pan is cool, and the oven does not get to temperature.
    I can hear relays clicking in the back guard when the light indicating which element is on switches.

    My gut says the main oven heating element is bad, need to figure out how to get in there, since the element is below the bottom oven pan on this model.
    I suspect I need to check the resistance of this coil to confirm it.

    Anything I am missing?

    Thanks for a great forum,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    Tore into the oven yesterday. Here is what I found:
    • Impedance on the element was 21 ohms, seemed ok.
    • Put voltmeter across terminals and turned oven on, voltage read 84 Volts.
    • Tried the other three elements (both lower oven elements, and the broil on the upper oven). All read ~235V when on.
    • Finally, connected the Lower oven bake element leads to the upper oven bake element, and turned on the lower oven. In this configuration, the upper oven bake element had ~235V across the terminals, and the upper oven bake began to heat.

    Conclusion, the control board is bad.

    Bad news, the control board price is $465, and it is discontinued.

    Did find one in stock, but not sure I want to put $500 into an 8 yr old range.

    So, looking for a new range now...

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