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Thread: [FIXED] Samsung Electric Dryer Runs Fine, No Error Codes, Does Not Produce HEAT!

  1. #1

    Post [FIXED] Samsung Electric Dryer Runs Fine, No Error Codes, Does Not Produce HEAT!

    Model Number: DV45H6300EG/A3
    Brand: Samsung
    Age: 6-10 years

    My Samsung electric dryer stopped producing heat, I followed Parts Dr. video to check for continuity on the heating element plus its fuses. My dryer has a multi coil element so there's three wires one with to wires fused together (the common wire) and two single wires. The fuses tested fine but I decided to replace them along with the heating element since they were inexpensive, my concern with the new heating element that I got was that when I tested this new element for continuity one coil tested fine but the other did not beep which gave me some concerns since the old one tested out the same way which is why I had decided to replace it. I still decided to install this new possibly faulty element in my dryer and it lead to no heat as well no error codes dryer runs fine but there's no heat leading me to believe that yes this new element is not good validating the continuity test.

    Based on the video by Parts Dr on a multi coil heating element you place one probe common wire and test for continuity the other two with the other probe, one beeped the other one didn't so that's why I concluded the element was bad and replaced it, turns out the same continuity results came up with the new one. I then got a second new part and that one is also testing the same way! This second new part I did not bother installing in the dryer yet due to the readings. What are the odds I just got two brand new parts from two different places and both are bad? Am I testing this incorrectly? Ill add the link to the video I referenced down below the video covers my multi coil element and I tested it the same way as in the video. Any help is greatly appreciated!

  2. #2
    Admin/Technician Doc Ryan's Avatar
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    It could be that your multimeter has a different threshold for "continuity". Try testing it using the ohm setting and see what results you get with that.
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  3. #3
    You're absolutely right, I did not realize my multimeter had an ohms audible limit up to 25 ohms. Verified readings once more with a different multimeter at everything checks out, got continuity for both coils one coils is reading 35 ohms and the other 13, I read from your comment somewhere else that its normal for one to be higher than the other so now I know for sure the issue isnt with the new element or its fuses. Now I need to check the thermal fuse and thermistor on the blower assembly my issue is probably there.

  4. #4
    Admin/Technician Doc Ryan's Avatar
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    Sounds good, let me know what you find.
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  5. #5
    Hi there, here's an update. So I got a new thermal fuse and thermistor for my machine (tested both the old thermistor and fuse check out fine but still replaced) and installed them today so now all fuses and element are new and there is still a heat issue. I am now sometimes getting some heat and on other cycles I am not getting any heat at all. What else should I do a this point?

  6. #6
    Admin/Technician Doc Ryan's Avatar
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    I think that would narrow it down to a few things.

    1. Power supply to the dryer. Check to make sure you have 220/240V to the dryer. Also, check the terminal block where the power cord attaches for any burned or broken wires. If the dryer only gets one side of the power (120V) it can run but not heat.

    2. Bad main control board.

    3. Bad centrifugal switch in the drive motor (replace drive motor).
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  7. #7
    Thank you for the help with troubleshooting. I took a look at all the items you suggested and found that the centrifugal switch was damaged. One of the copper levers inside the centrifugal switch was damaged. I will be looking for a new drive motor soon but for now I went ahead and soldered the broken piece back together and the dryer is back to working order (that was definitely the issue), I saw online how several people came across the same issue and soldered so I figured why not and it turns out that worked, its definitely a temporary repair and I will be ordering a new motor soon.

    Thank you so much for your help!

  8. #8
    Admin/Technician Doc Ryan's Avatar
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    Thanks for following up. I will update this to FIXED for now.

    Below is a link to the drive motor for this model dryer and a video on how to replace the motor.

    Drive Motor - DC31-00055G (PD00027132)

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