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Thread: Samsung Microwave oven losing power

  1. #1

    Samsung Microwave oven losing power

    Model Number: ME18H704SF*/AA
    Brand: Samsung
    Age: 6 years

    I've got a Samsung MW oven. Been working fine for nearly 6 years. Suddenly it isn't heating food as rapidly. I measured the power (2 cups water, 3 min, measured temperature rise with a digital thermometer). Power is down to about 700 W. I also set power level to 90% and measured 635 W, so that is consistent. Oven is clean. Any suggestions? I am guessing replacing will be cheaper than repairing.

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Admin/Technician Doc Ryan's Avatar
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    South Dakota
    The model number that you provided is not complete. It sounds like the magnetron might be failing. The below part might be the correct one depending on what your full model number is.

    Magnetron Assembly - OM75P-21-ESGN (PD00006106)
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  3. #3
    Thanks for the reply and the link, Ryan. I believe the model number is ME18H704SFG. I can find nothing in the manual or on the oven itself related to the suffix other than /AA. When I plug ME18H704SFG /AA into the "Does this fit my model" the site replies with a list of ovens with the suffix AA-0 thru AA-04. Mine must be one of those. Having zero experience with ever working on a microwave oven I'll have to review one of the videos to decide if risk is worth it.

  4. #4
    Admin/Technician Doc Ryan's Avatar
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    Sounds good. If you need further help locating the part, please post a picture of your model and serial number tag from the microwave.
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  5. #5
    My Model / SN tag is pretty much obliterated. When I bought the oven 6 years ago I wrote down the Model / SN. That is all I can go on.

    Wife and I really don't mind a 700 W oven. All we use it for is steaming vegetables, reheating, etc. Running it a bit longer isn't a problem. I know zilch about magnetrons. If the device is failing is it a potential fire hazard? And once it starts to fail will it keep getting worse and worse until the power output is too low to be useful?

  6. #6
    Admin/Technician Doc Ryan's Avatar
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    A failing magnetron is typically not a significant fire hazard. Yes, it could continue to degrade over time and fail completely eventually.
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