Model Number: FEF336ECG
Brand: Brand
Age: More than 10 years
My friend has a Frigidaire smooth top oven stove top. The stove top is a smooth glass and the type that you can see the red coils lighting when it is turned on. He does not cook very often and just recently was using his stove top and the red coils came on as usual. He was using the largest burner. Well, the coils began cycling on and off as he was using it, and he cannot recall whether it did that before. He thought perhaps it was cycling on and off to maintain the temperature he had it set on. so I bought control valve, which I was going to put on but then talk to some other people who think this might be normal. I did try the smaller burners and the red coil stayed on the entire time that the switch was on. So can anyone tell me , if it’s the normal nature for these red coils to cycle on and off as he’s using it? Thanks.