Model Number: MVWB950YG0 Bravos XL
Brand: Maytag
Age: More than 10 years
Hi Everyone, just found this forum in my attempt to fix my washing machine.
The main issue I am having is we get UL code as soon as we enter the spin cycle so thought is was the rotor position sensor possibly.
I have taken it apart and there appear to be water getting into the stator assembly so I didn't want to just replace the sensor after seeing this. There was quite a bit of dirt underneath the washer in a circular pattern from spinning.
I dug a bit deeper into the videos on here and found one on the Bearing & Tub Seal Kit Bearing being the possible issue. I have noticed that the spin cycle had become quite loud recently and when spinning it doesn't sound right now either.
So I guess my questions are should I just replace the bearings assembly or would I need to do both the assembly and the sensor? I assume the stator is ok since it will still spin on the clean cycle just can't it to work on spin cycle.