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Thread: [FIXED] Goes to 2nd rinse only one rinse selected

  1. #1

    [FIXED] Goes to 2nd rinse only one rinse selected

    Model Number: 110 20912991
    Brand: Sears Kenmore
    Age: More than 10 years

    Kenmore 110 20912991, 90 series, top load washer. With switch set to one rinse, the washer started doing second rinse. Does this suggest bad timer, or bad rinse selector switch. I sprayed contact cleaner on switches.... did not help. Other than this, washer works well and is not a rust bucket. It had a new transmission about 2 or 3 years ago. Am not in a position to afford a new washer now. Any ideas would be helpful, please.

  2. #2
    Admin/Technician Doc Ryan's Avatar
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    I agree that it probably comes down to either a bad timer or a bad selector switch. You will have to see if you can locate the wiring diagram inside of the control panel area of the washer. With this, you might be able to get more information that will allow you to test the switch.
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  3. #3
    Hi Doc Ryan
    Thanks for the reply. I did test the water fill diaphragm switch buy adding a short hose and blow on turned off cold water fill. But the washer started to act funny. While starting to fill with water for rinse cycle the agitator started up with no water in tub(no good) as it was adding water. Then it would not pump out. So I had to bail it, even jumping the lid switch did nothing. There was an odor of burnt from timer assembly. I suspect timer has had it. My best guess? Is there any way to check motor?
    Thanks ron3033

  4. #4
    Admin/Technician Doc Ryan's Avatar
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    Thank you for the additional information. The only thing that I know of that can cause the washer to agitate like that with no water in the tub or while filling is a bad timer. I suspect that your timer is the cause of the problem. If you fix it, let me know what you find.

    Timer - WP3953248 (PD00047386)
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  5. #5
    Hi Doc Ryan

    Thanks for the reply. I have a timer ordered. Am hoping for good results upon install. Will let you you know.....sure is inconvenient without the washer working. Timing of this also was inconvenient. Stay tuned for update.

  6. #6
    Admin/Technician Doc Ryan's Avatar
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    Sounds good!
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  7. #7
    Will do, and thanks for your professional expertise. I appreciate it

  8. #8
    Hi Doc Ryan
    Have not forgot.....but it seems my timer wash in transit USPS, but all of a sudden it stopped moving on Nov 27. luck? Now waiting for vendor and USPS.
    Going to laundromat is getting old and expensive.
    Will let you know

  9. #9
    Admin/Technician Doc Ryan's Avatar
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    Oh no! That's frustrating to deal with. I had them lose a couple of my personal packages for a month just recently.
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  10. #10
    Doc Ryan

    The Timer. It finally arrived. I put it in and the washer came to life but doing wrong things according to where the pointer mark on the dial was indicating. We'll it seems I put the ring dial on the wrong way, misaligning the splines. I took it off and compared and tried on original timer. Ah Ha Moment! It went on smooth and easy. So I tried on the new it.
    The old timer said. INVENSYS. FSP. The new timer said. Robert Shaw. FSP. I guess just a different manufacturer??
    I will put it through a few washes and report back. Keeping fingers crossed.

    Thank you

  11. #11
    Hi Doc Ryan
    That fixed the problem. We only used the main wash cycle, none of the permanent press, delicates, or intermittent cycles as we had a lot of wash to catch up on. It worked on the regular wash cycle, so assume it works fine on any of the other cycles.
    Much Thanks for the professional help.

  12. #12
    Admin/Technician Doc Ryan's Avatar
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    Robert Shaw and Invensys are different OEM suppliers that make parts for Whirlpool. Sometimes the same part number can be made by different suppliers.

    I am glad this fixed your problem! Nice job fixing it yourself! I have updated this thread to FIXED.
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  13. #13
    Thank you Doc Ryan, your professional knowledge that you share via the forum is much appreciated, and helps the DIY carry out a repair.

    Thanks and Merry Christmas

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