Model Number: WM2455HG
Brand: LG
Age: 6-10 years
LG Washer is a making a big racket, mostly when it's on spin cycle.
I read up on this forum and watched some youtube videos. I figure it could be:
1) Bad bearings
2) Bad Spider
3) Bad shocks
From the front, the drum "wiggle" test actually seemed ok. I took the back panel off and I did notice that the stater cover has some "wiggle" to it, like the stater cover itself rocked independently of the drum assembly.
When I ran it on a quick cycle, it made a lot of noise from the center area. Video with sound here:
You can really hear that "clunking" and rattle when it changes speed or starts and stops.
So, bad bearing for sure?
Not a fun job, so I wanted to make sure that's pretty much what it is before committing.
Thanks in advance!