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Thread: Samsung Dryer DV56H9000GW/A2-00

  1. #1

    Samsung Dryer DV56H9000GW/A2-00

    Model Number: DV56H9000GW/A2-00
    Brand: Samsung
    Age: 6-10 years

    Hi, would someone please guide me to the right direction.

    My samsung went clicking several days ago. It turned on, show red filter check then the icon disappear. I clicked start a normal cycle and it turn and ran for a few second and stopped immediately but the power and where it still show the same cycle. If i hit start again, it will click but nothing happened.

    So far, I had tested thermistor it showed 10.75Komh and i replaced it with another one and it shown 9.75Kohm.
    Replaced idler pulley assembly, checked the broke belt switch continuity and it beep. checked continuity on thermal fuse it beep but i replaced it anyway. Tested door switch and it worked. Flame sensor continuity beep. High limit Thermostat show beep on continuity test. I also replaced a new belt but not has fix the problem.

    After switching out the new parts it still does the same thing with same problem.

    As of now, what else can do to diagnose the correct problem. I'm looking to order the main control board.

    Please give guidance to next step. There is no error code on the screen. Thank you for assisting.

  2. #2
    Tried a new control board, same issue. It power on and showed drying, the machine ran for a few second and stopped. I pressed start again and it click.

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