Model Number: GTWN4450M1WS
Brand: GE
Age: 6-10 years
Hello: unit has always sounded like a jet engine taking off on spin cycle, but it never walked around, so we ignored it instead of getting a warranty call, in retrospect a bad move, I know. Many years and many uses later, I notice a squeal/chirp as the drum agitates back and forth. When it gets to the spin cycle, the jet engine is gone, but the speed of spin is reduced, so that when wash is complete, the clothes are wetter than usual. I can redo the spin cycle and get reasonably dry for placement in the dryer.
A small load spins better and comes out drier so that repeat spin is not needed.
Any chance the jet engine sound is normal, since nothing untoward has occurred over many years?
What to do about the slow spin with squeal/chirp that leaves clothes wet?