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Thread: [FIXED] Partial flame in over burner, with gas smell

  1. #1

    [FIXED] Partial flame in over burner, with gas smell

    Model Number:
    Brand: Brand
    Age: Less than 1 year

    Our JennAir gas oven has a flame in the oven that isn't staying lit consistently, parts of the flame go out and sort of come and go, and then it smells like gas (I assume because parts of the flame aren't staying lit consistently so some gas is escaping that isn't burning). It looks to me like there isn't a strong enough steady flow of gas.

    - I replaced the igniter already, so it's not that.
    - The stove works fine, the broil function works fine, so it's not an issue with the gas line or the regulator.
    - The holes in the burner tube are clean and open.
    - The gas safety valve is showing 1.5 ohms across the terminals.

    I think that just leaves the gas safety valve as the only cause left, maybe there's some sort of physical issue with it? Is there anything else I should try before I replace the gas safety valve? All the info online says they rarely go bad, or if they do it would usually be an issue with the wire breaking, and then it would show no conductivity, so it's not that.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Screenshot_20241217-193730.jpg  

  2. #2
    Admin/Technician Doc Ryan's Avatar
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    Can you please post the model number of the range?
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  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Ryan View Post
    Can you please post the model number of the range?
    Jenn-Air JGS8850BDS

  4. #4
    Admin/Technician Doc Ryan's Avatar
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    Thank you. Did you install an OEM igniter? Before replacing the gas valve I would test the voltage at the ignitor to make sure it is getting 120v AC power and I would also check the amp draw of the ignitor to make sure it is drawing at least 3.2amps. Assuming those things are good, I think it would also come down to the gas valve failing. Let me know what you find.

    Valve Regulator Assembly - W10130932 (PD00024394)
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  5. #5
    Yeah, I just checked it and it's showing about 120v A/C and about 3.4 amps.

    That valve link doesn't seem to work when I click on it.

  6. #6
    Admin/Technician Doc Ryan's Avatar
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    Sorry, I fixed the link. The gas supply and gas valve are the only other things that could be causing the issue. From how it's acting, it sounds like a failing gas valve. If you end up fixing it, let me know what you find.
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  7. #7
    Well, I replaced the valve regulator assembly, but that didn't fix it. It's still doing the same thing. Super bizarre, I can't imagine anything else that could be causing it to still have this issue. I'm going to schedule a repair guy to look at it and maybe they'll have some other ideas.

  8. #8
    Admin/Technician Doc Ryan's Avatar
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    That's strange. Please let me know what the repair person finds.
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  9. #9
    I'm still waiting for the repair guy to come on Friday, but meanwhile, I discovered that if I adjust the burner tube air shutter to be almost closed, then the oven burns fine. My theory now is that maybe the house gas pressure is too low? The gas company did some work around the time the issue started, and I think they may have replaced our gas meter regulator and maybe it's adjusted with the pressure too low.

  10. #10
    Admin/Technician Doc Ryan's Avatar
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    That would make sense. Can you have the gas company come check out the gas pressue?
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  11. #11
    Alright, the gas company came out and checked the pressure and it's in the normal range (towards the low end, but in the normal range). I think he said it's at 4 bars, and they normally have it between 4 and 5.

    They had replaced the regulator a couple months ago, so maybe the gas had been at a higher pressure before. Adjusting the burner shutter seems to fix the issue, so I guess it's fine now. It seems a little odd since I'm pretty sure the shutter was just set to how it came from the factory, so it's odd that it became an issue for gas that's within the normal range. But I don't know, I guess it is what it is.

  12. #12
    Admin/Technician Doc Ryan's Avatar
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    That is odd. Something must have changed at some point. I will mark this as FIXED for now.
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