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Thread: Dishwasher Heater Troubleshooting

  1. #1

    Dishwasher Heater Troubleshooting

    Model Number: GDT560SSF0SS
    Brand: GE
    Age: 6-10 years


    I have this GE dishwasher that did not dry properly. I noticed that it does not get warm inside when a cycle is run or ends (drying). I went through self test and no error codes. Then I went through heater testing in service mode and observed it did not warm at all. So, I check the resistance which is nominal (~18Ohm). Then I checked the TCO, it is okay too. Then I bought a used control board tested with it. The heater did not turn on still! I also fed AC directly to two pins (J702 1 and 2 in the attached picture) on the heater cable. Heater did warm up!

    I am lost as why it is not heating through the control boards. Is there another sensor input or something that the control board expects before turning heater on?

    Thanks for your help.Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Dryer System.jpg 
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ID:	1734Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Connections.jpg 
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ID:	1735Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Troubleshooting Chart.jpg 
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ID:	1736

  2. #2
    Admin/Technician Doc Ryan's Avatar
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    South Dakota
    That model number isn't coming up for me. Can you please double check it?
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  3. #3
    My apologies for the typo. I double checked. It is GE GDT580SSF0SS

  4. #4
    Admin/Technician Doc Ryan's Avatar
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    Mar 2011
    South Dakota
    Thank you. Commonly on these dishwashers, the Float Switch Assembly fails and causes the dishwasher to not heat or dry. I haven't seen a way to bench test this part, so you usually just have to replace it if you think it might be bad. Let me know what you find.

    Float Switch Assembly - WD21X10519 (PD00030197)
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  5. #5
    I took out and checked the float switch, which appears to be a magnetic reed switch or something. But I could verify that the contacts for that open and close as I tilt the switch. But I also noticed that it has thermistor in it. What role that plays?

  6. #6
    Admin/Technician Doc Ryan's Avatar
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    Mar 2011
    South Dakota
    This part sends a frequency reading back to the control board. I don't know of a way to bench test the part, most people replace the part if they suspect that it has failed. GE techs have a special module they can connect to the dishwasher to view the status of the part.
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